WorkLife Health

Vornado reached out to us to make a video showcasing the new WorkLife Health clinic located on the second floor of Penn 1. The WorkLife Health clinic is run by Colombia Health, it offers various services including Primary Care, Dermatology, Physical Therapy, Orthopedics. Access to the clinic is one of the many amenities available to tenants as part of the WorkLife program at Vornado.

We filmed a scene with a provider and a patient for each of the four main services offered by Columbia Health. One of the biggest challenges was lighting the small exam rooms; we utilized an Aperture 500D by placing it in the corner of the exam room and pointing the light up, then we gaffed the light to prevent spill, and allowed the light to bounce off the ceiling and corner of the room for a little directionality. Another challenge was creating actions for both the providers and patients to make their interactions feel natural while giving them enough direction to have something to focus on for each scene.

Special Thanks – Jerald Kohrs from Vornado and Arelis from Columbia Doctors for helping coordinate with our team

DirectorJulian Tryba

Executive ProducersJulian Tryba, Casey McGuire

DP’s - Tyler Ebata

GripNikolai Berger

Lead Editor - Vincent Garguilo

Song – “Direction” by Roary | Featuring Meaning Machine

Post Supervisor- Julian Tryba

Client: Vornado Realty Trust , @thepenndistrict, in collaboration with Colombia Doctors

On Camera Talent:

Receptionist- Arelis Magloire

Physical Therapist - Rommel Dolar

Dermatologist - Dr. Kim

Nurse Practitioner – Sealey-Horsford Le-Jeune

Orthopedist- Renee A Bloomfield

Patient #1 - Charles Saavedra, Patient #2 - Tina Mosca, Patient #3- Danny Martinez, Patient #4- Alyse J Levine, Patient #5 - Tanvi Patel


BTS Frames